Think Before You Click! Managing Workplace Social Media.
Employee Attraction, Retention and Management…And the Role(s) of Social Media in the Marketplace
Social media is a minefield for employers. Consider, for example, the countless number of employees fired for what they posted to their personal social media accounts:
The PR director, fired after tweeting, “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!”
The marketing director, fired because she posted a photo herself flipping off President Trump’s motorcade
The restaurant employee, fired for posting a photo of himself licking a platter of mashed potatoes
There exists a vast disconnect between employees, who view their personal social media as none of their employers’ business, and employers who need to take active steps to protect their online reputations. Adding to the complications are courts, legislatures, and agencies which are struggling to keep up with an online medium that evolves and changes on a daily basis. It all might boil down to four simple words—“Think Before You Click.” Those words, however, are much more complicated in practice.
Jon Hyman, Partner in the Labor & Employment Group at Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis, will help you and your business understand this evolving medium and the legal risks it presents through your employees. What you can search. When can you hold employees accountable? How do existing laws regulate these activities?
In addition, professionals from Apple Growth (Mark Lapikas) will be presenting on employee incentive plans, and DS Benefits Group (Mike Rao) on the business case (ROI), as well as the health & wellness case, for workplace social + emotional intelligence.
For more information, please contact us to set up a consultation with one of our Labor & Employment attorneys.