Partner Jon Hyman Interviewed Extensively This Week on Employment Issues

Partner Jon Hyman has been busy. Recently, he was interviewed by the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland Jewish News, and NPR.
Plain Dealer reporter Olivera Perkins quoted Hyman as the lone voice of management in an exposé on “wage theft” by Ohio employers. Hyman does not agree with the term “wage theft,” and believes that most employers do their best to comply with the dizzying maze of wage and hour laws but sometimes fail in their best-intended execution. You can read the full article here.
People share nearly every aspect of their personal lives online. Yet, many of employees do not understand that what they post on their personal social media channels can, and often does, impact them at work. Hyman spoke to the Cleveland Jewish News (Legal Affairs, 4/26) about what this means for your workplace and the social media policy you should have. Read the article here.
Last week, the United States made history by unanimously changing its rules to permit Senator (and new mom) Tammy Duckworth to bring her newborn onto the Senate floor while she cast votes. Hyman guested on Los Angles public radio station KPCC’s AirTalk and spoke with Libby Denkmann about what this means for the future of parental leave laws in America, and why we should be ashamed that countries like Iran and Afghanistan do more for their working moms than we do. You can listen here.
Contact Jon Hyman at 216-831-0042 or to learn if your business is compliant with all of its federal and state wage and hour obligations, to draft a social media or other technology policy for your workplace, to help implement parent friendly workplace policies for your business, or for any of your other labor and employment needs.